Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 23, 2025





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####Please note this is not happening yet, it is proposed for two months from now with community meetings conducted before hand . Please voice your thoughts at those meetings.########

***A topic of concern has been homeless parking in our communities. Deb Murphy spoke to Larry Emerson who shared this release related to parking around the West Line Street area in Bishop.

Bishop, CA. January 27, 2020.

The Eastern Sierra Continuum of Care (CoC), a coalition of human service providers, recognizing a
demonstrated need in the community, will operate a Safe Parking Lot with up to 15 vehicles on the Bishop Church of the Nazarene property at 900 W. Line Street. Persons experiencing homelessness and living outof vehicles may be permitted to park overnight in spaces along the church’s west property line, only between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. daily, and must leave the premises in the morning. Trained staff will supervise the parking lot and ensure that participants comply with established rules and regulations. In addition, targeted vulnerable populations that include families with children and persons with disabilities, will be linked with essential services and housing. Security measures that shall be reviewed and approved by law enforcement will be incorporated into standard operating procedures.

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A conditional use permit for the proposal was considered by the Inyo County Planning Commission on
January 22, 2020 and approved after considerable discussion. This was conditioned on review and
approval by the County Sheriff and Bishop Police Chief of an action plan with measures for adequate
supervision and site and building security. The project administrator, Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action, must also comply with applicable codes and submit a report after one year to the Planning Director, who may refer the permit back to the Planning Commission if there are substantiated violations of conditions or impacts to the community.

Understanding the desire and necessity for additional community discussion, the CoC is scheduling a public information meeting in the next two months, before beginning operation, to receive comments and incorporate additional reasonable measures into the security and operating plans that address communityconcerns.

For additional information, please contact Larry Emerson, IMACA at 760-873-8557, extension 109, or
[email protected] .

About the Eastern Sierra CoC:
The CoC was established in October of 2013 and includes community advocates from faith-based
organizations, nonprofits and government agencies that promote, fund and implement programs assisting  families and individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Inyo, Mono and Alpine Counties. The nonprofit agency responsible for CoC planning and reporting activities is Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action, Inc. (IMACA). For more information, please visit :



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